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My Baby Travel Essentials

My Baby Travel Essentials

In March of 2024 my family and I moved abroad to Portugal. Within 3 weeks, I flew with my two sons ages 11 months and 3 years old (at the time) from San Diego to San Francisco, San Francisco to Miami, Miami to Atlanta, Atlanta…

I Moved to Portugal Sight Unseen- Here’s The Major Mistakes I Made

I Moved to Portugal Sight Unseen- Here’s The Major Mistakes I Made

As the time got nearer to moving I didn’t have many logistical stressors or worries. I have moved countless times across the United States and once to Germany and back. I’m used to moving to new places I’ve never been to, so I wasn’t concerned.…

Our Business Failed So We Left Portugal

Our Business Failed So We Left Portugal

Why We Chose Portugal My husband and I always wanted to move back to Europe. We talked about it daily. We loved our time in Germany, experiencing European culture, and the travel opportunities. We’re very interested in gaining dual citizenship in Europe so that our…

How a Bikini Competition Healed My Disordered Eating

How a Bikini Competition Healed My Disordered Eating

Hi! It’s me, Jessica Jean, and competing in a bikini competition gave me the confidence and power to conquer my body and mind. I’ve been seeing a lot of “triggering” content on social media the past few months and no one can deny it: super…

Skip Oktoberfest in Munich?! Here’s Why:

Skip Oktoberfest in Munich?! Here’s Why:

Hi! It’s me, Jessica Jean, So you’ve decided you want to attend Oktoberfest in Munich! It’s a bucket list item for any travel enthusiast. My absolute favorite thing about living in Germany was ALL the fests. In fact, there are over 10,000 German fests per…

I Forgot to Ship Our Household Goods to Portugal

I Forgot to Ship Our Household Goods to Portugal

Hi, it’s me, Jessica Jean, and I forgot to pay the invoice to ship our stuff to Portugal.  Maybe it was mom brain, or overwhelm with navigating everything else. I screwed up. Where is our stuff you may ask? It’s somewhere in South Carolina. I…

Why I’ll Never Go Back to Vilamoura, Portugal

Why I’ll Never Go Back to Vilamoura, Portugal

Explore the glass filled cobblestone, gentleman’s clubs, and lackluster marina that make Vilamoura a never-visit destination. Dive into my guide to uncover the lesser-known woes of living here that will make your move regrettable. Vilamoura is advertised as a resort town and a golfer’s paradise.…